Saturday, July 20, 2024

Raspberry Pi Car Dashboard, etc.

DIY Raspberry Pi Digital Dash Cluster Build Guide (video + files):

What is a PiDash? The RaspberryPi Digital Dash with TunerStudio (Feb 2023):
PiDash WiKi:
"10/03/2023 v1.6 is at 80% completion.  It boots up, loads TunerStudio. VNC is there so you can remote into it to tune your vehicle.  The "USB keyboard/mouse not working" is because the image needed updating.  BTW, the PiDash is moving to the NexGenEFI website.  I'll update this page with the link to the updated PiDash version."
PiDash 5:

EFI Analytics:

Data, not car - 7 Dashboards That Run on Raspberry Pi:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Open Source AI Tools for Linux

10 Top Open Source AI Tools for Linux (May 2024):

*** TensorFlow:
    Apache MXNet:
*   Caffe:
    Fastai:   -

10 Top Open Source Artificial Intelligence Tools for Linux (Oct 2023) no specific order:
     Deep Learning For Java (Deeplearning4j) -
*    Caffe – Deep Learning Framework -
**   H20 – Distributed Machine Learning Framework -
      MLlib – Machine Learning Library -
      Apache Mahout -
      Open Neural Networks Library (OpenNN) -
***  TensorFlow -
****  PyTorch -
      Apache SystemDS -
      NuPIC -

Ubuntu - A guide to MLOps:
The state of AI in 2022—and a half decade in review (Dec 2022):

What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI (RHEL AI)?  A guide to the open source way for doing AI (May 2024):
    Granite (from IBM Research):
"Large Language Models (LLMs) and services based on them (like GPT and chatGPT) are well-known and increasingly adopted by enterprise organizations. These models are most often closed source, or with a custom license. More recently, a number of open models have started to appear (like Mistral, Llama, OpenELM). ...
LLMs today are large and general-purpose. Red Hat envisions a world of purpose-built, cost- and performance-optimized models, surrounded by world class MLOps tooling placing data privacy, sovereignty, and confidentiality at the forefront."

AI on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Tools, Platforms, & Frameworks (July 2023):
"What are the best AI tools for Linux?
  •   Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source code editor that supports many programming languages ... It has many features that make it ideal for AI development. Visual Studio Code also has a large collection of extensions that can enhance its functionality and compatibility with various AI platforms and frameworks ...
  •   PyCharm is a powerful and popular IDE for Python development, which is one of the most widely used programming languages for AI. ... PyCharm also has built-in support for many AI platforms and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and more...
  •   NumPy is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python, which provides high-performance multidimensional arrays and various mathematical functions and operations. NumPy is essential for AI development, as it enables you to manipulate and process large amounts of data efficiently and easily. NumPy also serves as the basis for many other AI libraries, such as SciPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and more. ...
  •   SciPy is a library that extends the functionality of NumPy, by providing additional modules and functions for scientific and technical computing, such as linear algebra, optimization, statistics, signal processing, and more. SciPy is useful for AI development, as it allows you to perform various complex calculations and analyses on your data. ...
  •   Pandas is a library that provides high-level data structures and tools for data analysis and manipulation in Python. Pandas is useful for AI development, as it enables you to work with various types of data, such as tabular, time series, text, and more. ...
  •   Scikit-learn is useful for AI development, as it allows you to implement various machine learning tasks, such as classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, and more. Scikit-learn also has a consistent and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to use and integrate with other libraries. ...
  •   GCC is a free and open-source compiler that supports many programming languages, including C, C++, Fortran, and more. GCC is useful for AI development, as it allows you to compile and optimize your code for various platforms and architectures, such as x86, ARM, and more. ...
  •   GDB is a free and open-source debugger that supports many programming languages, including C, C++, Python, and more. GDB is useful for AI development, as it allows you to inspect and modify the state of your program, find and fix errors, and trace the execution of your code. GDB also has support for various AI platforms and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and more. ..."
"What are the best AI platforms for Linux?
AI platforms are software applications that provide a comprehensive and integrated environment for developing, deploying, and using AI applications on Linux.
  •   TensorFlow is one of the most popular and powerful AI platforms which provides a flexible and scalable framework for building and running various types of AI applications, such as deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. It has many features that make it ideal for AI development, such as a high-level API (Keras), a low-level API (TensorFlow Core), a distributed and parallel computing support, a large collection of pre-trained models and datasets, and more. ...
  •   PyTorch ... provides a dynamic and expressive framework for building and running various types of AI applications, such as deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. PyTorch has many features that make it ideal for AI development, such as a dynamic computational graph,native support for Python, a distributed and parallel computing support, a large collection of pre-trained models and datasets, and more. ...
  •   Keras is a high-level API that provides a simple and intuitive way to build and run various types of AI applications, such as deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. Keras is compatible with both TensorFlow and PyTorch, which means that you can use either of them as the backend for your Keras models. ...
  •   MXNet ... has many features that make it ideal for AI development, such as a hybrid symbolic-imperative programming model, a multiple-language support, a distributed and parallel computing support, a large collection of pre-trained models and datasets, and more. ..."
"What are the best AI frameworks for Linux?
AI frameworks are software applications that provide a specific and specialized environment for developing, deploying, and using AI applications on Linux. ...

  OpenAI is a research organization that aims to create and promote artificial intelligence that can benefit humanity, without causing harm or being misused. OpenAI has developed and released many AI frameworks for Linux, such as:
  •         OpenAI Gym is a framework that provides a collection of environments and tasks for testing and benchmarking various AI algorithms, such as reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms, and more. It allows you to compare and evaluate the performance of your AI agents, and learn from the best practices and solutions. ...
  •         OpenAI Baselines is a framework that provides a collection of high-quality implementations of various AI algorithms, such as reinforcement learning, imitation learning, and more. It allows you to use and modify the state-of-the-art AI methods, and apply them to your own problems and domains. ...
  •         OpenAI Spinning Up is a framework that provides a collection of educational resources and tools for learning and practicing various AI algorithms, such as reinforcement learning, deep learning, and more. It allows you to gain a solid foundation and understanding of the AI concepts and techniques, and improve your AI skills and knowledge. ...
    Hugging Face is a company that focuses on creating and providing natural language processing (NLP) solutions and tools for various domains and applications, such as text generation, text summarization, text classification, and more. Hugging Face has developed and released many AI frameworks for Linux, such as:
  •         Transformers is a framework that provides a collection of pre-trained models and pipelines for various NLP tasks, such as text generation, text summarization, text classification, and more. It allows you to use and fine-tune the state-of-the-art NLP models, and apply them to your own data and domains. ...
  •         Datasets is a framework that provides a collection of datasets and metrics for various NLP tasks, such as text generation, text summarization, text classification, and more. It allows you to access and load the high-quality NLP data, and evaluate the performance of your NLP models. ...
  •         Tokenizers is a framework that provides a collection of tokenizers for various NLP models, such as BERT, GPT, XLNet, and more. It allows you to preprocess and tokenize your text data, and optimize the speed and memory efficiency of your NLP models. ... is a company and a community that aims to make AI accessible and practical for everyone, by providing courses, books, software, and resources for learning and applying AI. has developed and released many AI frameworks for Linux, such as:
  •         Fastai is a framework that provides a high-level API for building and running various types of AI applications, such as deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. It allows you to use and customize the best practices and solutions for AI, and apply them to your own problems and domains. ...
  •         Fastcore is a framework that provides a collection of low-level utilities & tools for Python development, such as functions, classes, decorators, and more. It allows you to write and optimize your Python code, and enhance the functionality and compatibility of your AI applications. ...
  •         Nbdev is a framework that provides a tool for developing and documenting your Python code in Jupyter notebooks. It allows you to write and test your code interactively, and generate documentation and web pages automatically. ..."

Monday, July 8, 2024

Door Locks, Digital Entry Locks, and other home security devices

For escape from a courtyard where the door and the gate are locked:

First, the simplest & least expensive solution is to fasten a pushbutton key safe somewhere inside the courtyard and install conventional locks on the doors:


To avoid being locked out, install knob or lever locks that either don't have a key, or a knob lock that unlocks when you turn the inside handle. 

  • I almost never install key locking knobs/levers under a deadbolt anymore. One less keyhole to mess with when in a hurry, they have no security anyway, and harder to get locked out. 
  • Non locking is called a passage function (or hallway/closet lock). 
  • A keyed lever that unlocks when you turn the inside handle is called "push button locking" as opposed to "turn button locking". The ANSI designation is F82.

Regarding digital entry locks, I have never seen a residential one with a keypad on both sides, or a double cylinder deadbolt with a keypad. There is one commercial double keypad, Trilogy by Alarm Lock. Pure Junk ...


Most of the residential keypad units are also not well designed and succumb quickly to a variety of attacks all of which can be found on the internet. I would stay away from the Kwikset, Weiser, & Master. 


If you really want double cylinder deadbolts AND keypad control, you will need to go to a commercial solution with either an electrified mortise lock for the deadbolt, or a standard deadbolt and a special electric strike on the frame. Probably $1,000 per door installed.


What I use at home is Schlage. I have the Schlage Link (Now rebranded as Nexia).  You can get digital entry handles or deadbolts, cameras, an energy management thermostat, and other sensors all on a Z-Wave network

A Nexia Bridge connects to your router to allow you to control your home through a broadband Internet connection. It communicates wirelessly with many other Nexia-compatible Z-Wave products so that you have complete control over your home, whether you're at home or away. 

You can control the system via iPhone or a web browser and an annual subscription fee is charged, about $100.00.  You can set schedules, scenes, events, view the cameras, unlock a door, change the temperature, etc. 


Regarding keylocks, my short answer is Schlage, however the sliding door my be problematic. I need to see a picture & dimensions, especially of any existing lock that was provided.

STAY AWAY from the so called "Smart Key" products that allow you to rekey the lock yourself. There are some very well known attacks. 

For example, on the Kwikset, cut a key to all #4 cuts, and using a vise grip, insert the key and turn. The lock breaks and opens. 

Schlage had a similar product, but to their credit, removed it quickly from the market. Not so with Kwikset. 

With key locks, you get what you pay for. Good locks cost more.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Democrats want their president to have more executive power, but not Trump (or any Republican)

"This Supreme Court term has been an absolutely stellar one for those who like the idea of the federal bureaucracy being restrained. It was also a big one for Donald Trump - not only did he win in the Fischer case, but he walked away from his own immunity case with more guaranteed immunity than I think even he was expecting.
This term's cases showed a conservative majority (and, at times, a coalition majority) that laws are being too broadly interpreted. The federal agencies of the executive branch are interpreting too much power from laws that are too vaguely written by the lawmakers of the legislative branch. As a result, our laws and regulations are being wielded with reckless disregard for the common man."

"But their frustration over the immunity case is directly at odds with their frustration over the Chevron case and others. They are torn between their love of executive branch power and their hatred of a potential Trump as the leader of the executive branch. ...
Their chief complaint about the immunity case is that it would grant Trump too much power as president. But their chief complaint about several of the other cases is that it takes away too much power from the executive branch."

"The immunity decision is much more narrow than the Democrats will honestly admit. The majority was clear in its ruling - absolute immunity extends only to official acts as president. In other words, if it isn't a power granted to the president via the Constitution or by Congress, then it isn't covered in the Supreme Court's decision.
So, with all due respect to Sonia Sotomayor, it's foolish to claim that Trump could arbitrarily assassinate political opponents and be covered by presidential immunity."
If that power existed, then the current president (Biden) could have Trump assassinated ...

"What the Supreme Court did in those cases restricted Trump from far more power than he gained in the immunity ruling because those agencies are within the scope of his office."

"The Democrats aren't mad because they think the rulings are bad. They do think that, but their anger is more over the fact that they are struggling to jail Trump before the election (that's been their strategy for beating Trump from Day 1) and the fact that they don't actually want the legislative branch to have to do work. They would rather Congress serve as a bunch of ideological figureheads while the executive branch does all the heavy lifting.
