Saturday, May 12, 2007

Polar Bears having babies - haven't they heard about Global Warming?

Polar Bear Baby Boom Occurring in Eastern Arctic, Will Media Notice? |
"Despite all the carping and whining by folks like soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore and his not so merry band of sycophant devotees about global warming killing polar bears, there is actually a baby boom occurring in this species in Canada’s eastern Arctic."

In the early 70's, when Earth Day was first celebrated, "they" were concerned about a new Ice Age coming (I was there to hear the spiel & read the handouts) - now it's global warming. Perhaps weather cycles occur in patterns that are longer than the average TV show, and need to be viewed with a little historical perspective and an understanding of outside influences - like the Sun.

For some people, life is all about controlling other people's activities. We shouldn't let them control us - we should educate ourselves and make decisions on our own.

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