Monday, December 14, 2020

What Did Rush Limbaugh Mean When He Said America Is 'Trending Toward Secession'?

"There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs."

"Rush Limbaugh was not suggesting conservatives should secede from the Union and spark a civil war. Quite the opposite. However, he did acknowledge a growing cultural gulf between left-leaning elites and Americans who refuse to go along with the latest race/class/gender trends in the increasingly stifling leftist orthodoxy."

"When it comes to "trending toward secession," Limbaugh's words had less to do with states seceding from the Union and more to do with conservatives withdrawing from the dominant hostile culture."

"If America does devolve into a civil war, it seems far more likely radicals in antifa will lead that charge. After all, antifa agitators have threatened the lives of police officers, knocked over all kinds of monuments — even desecrating monuments to black Union volunteers in the Civil War! — and threatened the peace of communities. Conservatives don't organize violent attacks on police stations and federal courthouses."

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