Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Swiss Micros calculators - updated HP clones with RPN

These get great reviews on FB's HP RPN site (https://www.facebook.com/groups/hpcalc/):

" The DM16L is the programmer's calculator designed to display and work with numbers in hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary, and convert numbers from one base to another. A number of specialized functions are provided to assist the programmer, including left- and right-shifting, masking, and bitwise logical operations."  https://www.swissmicros.com/product/dm16l
CHF (Swiss Franc) 149 = about $175
Console Mode: " Once the serial connection to the calculator is established, calculator responds to switching to Serial Console Mode..."
" The USB connection features a command line interface for saving and restoring complete calculator states.
Firmware update via USB is possible using the SwissMicros Firmware Update Tool (on Windows) or standard lpc21isp utility on Linux and MacOS."
Uses RPN - "The Hewlett-Packard Voyager series of calculators were introduced by Hewlett-Packard in 1981.[4] All members of this series are programmable, use Reverse Polish Notation, and feature continuous memory. Nearly identical in appearance, each model provided different capabilities and was aimed at different user markets." 
" HP-16C – computer programmer's calculator (1982–1989)."
" The HP Voyager series calculators are keystroke programmable, meaning that it can remember and later execute sequences of keystrokes to solve particular problems of interest to the user. These keystroke programs, in addition to performing any operation normally available on the keyboard, can also make use of conditional and unconditional branching and looping instructions, allowing programs to perform repetitive operations and make decisions."

From FB: " They are slightly different beasts. The DM41X runs the original HP-41CX ROM code on emulated hardware while the DM42 runs the "Free42" software emulator on the native hardware. The DM41X is much faster than an original HP-41CX, but the DM42 is way, way faster than the DM41X. For comparison, the DM41X takes 407s to solve the "N Queens" problem on a 7x7 board; the DM42 solves it in 16s on battery power, and 6.8s on USB power."

"The DM42, one of our flagship line-up of RPN calculators, is a true homage to the legendary HP-42S, widely regarded as one of the most desired calculators ever made. The DM42 is the most precise calculator on the worldwide market - second to none - and uses the powerful and proven RPN logic. The DM42 runs Free42, based on a decimal floating-point math library and IEEE 754-2008 quadruple precision decimal floating-point, encoding numbers in 16 bytes and giving 34 decimal places of precision with exponents ranging from -6143 to +6144."

"The DM41X, another member of our flagship line-up of RPN calculators, is a faithful recreation of the software environment of the HP-41CX, one of the most versatile calculators ever created and the first alphanumerical calculator, in a modern hardware architecture. Easily share or back up your programs or your entire DM41X environment and use hundreds of existing, professionally developed software applications with this rugged calculator sporting a stainless steel case and a Gorilla Glass screen.Like all SwissMicros calculators, the DM41X uses the efficient and time-tested RPN logic."

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