Saturday, May 12, 2007

Opening a racial Pandora's Box in California

American Thinker Blog: Opening a racial Pandora's Box in California:
"Yesterday, America moved one baby step closer to apartheid, a society in which racial groups are officially considered unequal and consigned to their own separate spheres under the law. California's supreme court granted a temporary stay in a murder trial about to begin, on the unprecedented ground that the county where the crime took place and the trial was to be held does not have enough residents of the same color as the defendant, who is black.
. . .
Since we are guaranteed a jury of our peers, if the stay is upheld and a change of venue required by the California supremes, the justices would in effect be ruling that being of a different race can make one not a peer and unable to judge fairly in the eyes of the law."

We need to get back to the basics that made this country great - Balkanizing the country does not improve anyone's life.

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