Thursday, January 22, 2009

Windows Mobile application managers

There are a couple of WinMo Smart-Phones in my immediate family. This software may make them easier to maintain & update.

Windows Mobile gets app manager:
"While Microsoft reportedly prepares an OTA (over the air) applications marketplace for Windows Mobile, it has been beaten to the punch by a Canadian high school student. Nicolas Bouliane's freely downloadable 'Gecko' utility allows online downloading, installation, and updating of Windows Mobile apps, says the author.

. . . "for Windows Mobile users, installing an application has never been an easy process. There are .CAB files, .EXE files, .MSI installers, and compressed files, and each of them install differently. Most of the time, you will need to synchronize your device with your computer in order to install applications."

. . .
Ironically, while Windows Mobile users have waited years for an OTA application installer, they'll soon have more than one to play with. Widespread rumors, originally sparked by online job postings, suggest that Microsoft will soon launch SkyMarket, constituting both an online applications store and a device-based installer.

. . . Our best guess is that an unofficial, open-source applications manager could continue to be useful to developers who, for the sake of speed or whatever other reason, do not want to submit their applications for approval and hosting via Microsoft. This is not without precedent: While most Apple iPhone apps are provided via the company's App Store, a substantial minority are written for "jail broken" devices, to which they get downloaded via the open-source Cydia installer."

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