Friday, July 31, 2020

Oldsmobile Quad-4 Engine

Oldsmobile Quad 4 engine:

Oldsmobile Quad 4 - The Next Big Thing in four-cylinders, about a decade too late (2013):
"... in 1995, balance shafts were added in an effort to smooth and quiet the Quad
... For 1996, the Quad's bore was reduced and the stroke lengthened, bringing displacement up to 2.4 liters. The Quad 4 name was dropped with the 2.4 as well, and the engine was called the 2.4-liter Twin Cam. The 2.4 was the final iteration of the Quad 4, and, from a reliability and driveability standpoint, was the best of the breed. Just a few years later, in 2000, the engine would be upstaged by the 2.2-liter Ecotec."

Why the Quad 4 was on of GM's most important engines:


New life for the Oldsmobile Quad 4 engine:
"I spotted this Quad 4-engined Model T roadster at a 24 Hours of LeMons race"

Quad 4 Rods in Denver (Web site nolonger exists) used to sell custom bellhousings that allow a Quad 4 to bolt to various rear-wheel-drive transmissions, plus an intake manifold that allow fuel-injection-phobic car builders to put Weber DCOEs on their Quad 4s. (Search eBay?)

Oldsmobile Quad 4 - Quad Mods - Mixing And Matching The Best Pieces From GM's DOHC Wonder:
"... the strongest Quad 4 setup would mate a 2.3L head to a 2.4 block, thereby combining the strongest block and the best-flowing head and cams"

Advance or Retard: Olds Quad 4 Engine Ignition Timing with ZEX Nitrous Kit - Is Retarded Timing Mandatory on a W41 Quad 4 Engine Running a 200HP ZEX Nitrous Kit?

Rebuilding The GM Quad 4 (1999):
"The current 2.4L Quad 4 has evolved into an engine that is actually quite pleasant to drive, but it's almost too late, because it's due to be phased out when GM's all new DOHC engines are introduced in a couple of years."
"... there are actually a total of six different blocks, three cranks, three rods, seven heads, four cam housings, four front covers and three oil pumps used on these engines from 1987 through 1995, and that doesn't include the changes that were made for the 2.4L engine!"

GM's Quad 4 & Ecotec Engines And Ford's Zetec & Duratec Engines - Four Play - Modern Four-Bangers For Hot Rods:

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