Tuesday, January 12, 2021

President Trump Takes a Hit for the Team

"His refusal to back down or apologize came at a huge personal cost, but the rest of us, including his enemies, benefited from his un-Republican-like willingness to punch back when punched.

The benefits came in two primary forms: what Trump accomplished as president and what he exposed. The last few months, and the last week especially, were all about exposure."

"As to peace, Trump launched no new wars, nor did he expand any old ones. No president since Jimmy Carter can make this claim, and Carter accomplished his peace through submission. Trump accomplished his through strength: a military rebuilt, North Korea subdued, Russia restrained, China looking over its shoulder, Israel making new friends throughout the region."

"Even before Trump was elected, he had panicked the bipartisan deep state into overreaction. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan refused to appear with Trump on stage in Wisconsin. Hillary Clinton and the DNC meanwhile launched the Russia collusion hoax as a dirty trick operation, and the Obama administration finessed it, with the help of the FBI and CIA, into the foundation for a coup. The media meanwhile cheered the coconspirators on."

"In gauging scores in sports like diving and figure skating, judges factor in a "degree of difficulty." No president since Lincoln has labored under a higher degree of difficulty than Trump. I cannot recall seeing a positive headline in any major media during the duration of his presidency. The fact that America's most beautiful and stylish first lady never made it onto the cover of a magazine suggests just how monolithic was the opposition. And still Trump never apologized, never backed down."

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