Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A navigation system to supplement and backup GPS

A navigation system has been created that is more accurate than GPS -
The new alternative positioning system (called SuperGPS) could achieve an accuracy of 10 centimeters.

"... with a few ... innovations, the telecommunication network could be transformed into a very accurate alternative positioning system that is independent of GPS,"
"The team succeeded in developing a system that can provide connectivity similar to mobile and Wi-Fi networks. It also has accurate positioning and time distribution. The new system can be used in a wide range of applications, including automated vehicles and next generation mobile communication systems."
"The research team realized that weak radio signals relying on satellites can make GPS inaccurate. If the radio signals are reflected or blocked by buildings, then they can no longer send over accurate positioning and information.
"This can make GPS unreliable in urban settings, for instance," ... He mentioned another big issue involving the future of autonomous vehicles, which cannot function off of unpredictable GPS positioning."
"The research team created a process that would connect the mobile network to an accurate atomic clock, so it can broadcast times messages for positioning, similar to GPS satellites."
With these techniques we can turn the network into a nationwide distributed atomic clock – with many new applications such as very accurate positioning through mobile networks"

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