Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Can Oatmeal increase blood sugar?

Can Oatmeal increase blood sugar?
Oatmeal and Diabetes: The Do's and Don'ts:
"The more processed the oats are, as in the case of instant oats, the faster the oats are digested and the faster the blood sugar can potentially increase."
"Because oatmeal has a lower glycemic index, it may be a better alternative to other breakfast choices, such as cold cereal with added sugar, breads with added jelly or pancakes with syrup."

Why is Oatmeal Raising My Blood Sugar?
"With type 2 diabetes, carbohydrates are the nutrient that affect blood sugar levels the most.
Oatmeal is a high carb food and is not suitable for many people with diabetes.
"... you can try these tips to see if your blood sugar responds any better.
First, make sure you are not adding additional carbs to your oatmeal such as milk, honey, sugar, or dried fruit. 
For extra flavor, try adding low carb additions like chia seeds or chopped walnuts instead.
Next, keep the portion size in check. Ideally, you want to only consume about a half-cup serving cooked."

Easy Low Carb Keto Oatmeal Recipe:
No actual oats involved ...

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