Friday, April 6, 2007

British trust in their police is slipping away

The slide into invisibility must be arrested-Comment-Columnists-Camilla Cavendish-TimesOnline:
"The police and the public are still on the same side. But it doesn’t always feel like it. A recent ICM poll found that trust in the police is sliding. The official insistence that crime is falling does not help, when people feel it is not. Criminologists say that the most reliable measure of the true rate of violence in society is stranger murder — and killings by strangers have increased by a third between 1997 and 2005.

The police have more money than ever before, and more officers — 140,000 at the last count. But they are not having a commensurate impact. This has stoked a dangerous defeatism among criminologists and within the Home Office: the belief that rising crime is a fact of life that the justice system can do little about."

...but at least they have severe gun control, and they're working on knife control, so the criminals won't need much treatment for wounds.

Britain, Canada, & Australia each enacted similar gun control laws at different points in time - in each country, crime began to rise from that point. In the US many states have permitted concealed carry of firearms at different points in time - in each case the crime started to drop from that point. Violent crime rates in the US are now considerably lower than in Britain - so much for "progress" & "social justice".

The US cities with the most restrictive gun control laws have the most violent crime - criminals prefer unarmed victims.

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