Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McCain Emerges as Front-Runner

John McCain has more delegates than all the other Republicans put together. Those of us who want a more conservative Republican candidate will probably have to make do (again!) with a candidate that appeals to moderates, independents, and to some democrats.

On the Democratic side, it looks like Clinton Inc. has their work cut out for them ...
McCain Emerges as Front-Runner While Democrats Spin Super Tuesday Wins - You Decide 08!:
"Fresh off impressive coast-to-coast primary wins, Republican presidential hopeful John McCain layed claim Wednesday to front-runner status, while Barack Obama declared delegate superiority over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton

Still, even though Hillary Clinton only took eight states to Obama’s 13, she remains in the lead of the delegate race, and she added heavy-hitting Democratic states to her list of victories — including California, New York and Massachusetts — leaving the nomination to be decided another day.

Arizona Sen. McCain put more distance between himself and his closest rival Mitt Romney taking coast-to-coast wins, and Romney lost more ground to Mike Huckabee, whose campaign’s fundraising pales in comparison to the other two GOP candidates, but whose Christian conservative credentials gave him badly needed wins in southern states."

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