Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran needs Twitter - #IranElection #gr88

The odds are stacked heavily in favor of Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs - they control the military, the power, the food supply, etc. If it comes, revolution will carry a terrible price regardless of who wins. If the government compromises and backs down a little, some incremental progress towards freedom might result.

It is frustrating to just watch - we can share our thoughts with our representatives, but I doubt they have much influence right now.

With Iran Protests in Mind, State Department Blocks Twitter's Maintenance Outage | Popular Science:
"So all that importance-of-social-media business you keep hearing about Iran? This should tell you something about the underlying truth, no matter how numbing the barrage from the media can be: When the U.S. State Department heard of Twitter's plans for an hour-long regularly-scheduled maintenance outage that would have denied daytime Twitter service to Iran, they stepped in and 'urged' them to reschedule.

The outage was supposed to happen late last night--downtime for most of North America, but prime daytime in Iran, where it has continued to be used as an important communication and organization tool for the protests there."

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