Wednesday, April 29, 2020

DIY Homemade Weed & Grass Killer

"There are three ingredients:
    1-gallon vinegar
    1/4 cup dish soap
    2 cups Epsom salt or regular salt

First, pour the salt into your container. Then, add the vinegar. Shake the salt and vinegar together. It is best to let it sit for around an hour to let the salt completely dissolve.

Then, you can add the dish soap. Shake again once all the ingredients are combined. Next, it is ready to put into a spray bottle.

You are ready to spray your weeds! It may take up to 24 hours to see the weeds completely die. Bigger weeds may need more sprays than smaller ones as well.

Make sure not to spray the grass or plants around the weeds as they will die as well. Anything the spray touches will die, so be extra careful!

Also, make sure to use the spray on a sunny day, as it needs to sun to completely help kill the weeds."

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