Thursday, April 16, 2020

Tips To Allergy-Proof Your Home

*  "... de-clutter your living spaces. According to the Mayo Clinic, consolidating items that collect dust, like knick-knacks, ornaments, books and magazines can do wonders for your allergies."

*  "... dust mites can live deep inside carpeting. While ditching those carpets for flooring is a big ask, getting your carpets professionally cleaned once every spring will be a big help. Vacuuming them yourselves is a help, but it will not fully get rid of all lingering dust mites ..."

*  "If needed, get your air conditioner serviced professionally and install a filter with a ... MERV rating of at least 8. That means fewer dust particles can pass through it."

*  "... a HEPA (High Energy Particulate Air) filter can remove 99.97% of dust, pollen, smoke, odor, mold spores, and pet dander in the air."

*  "Don't Forget The Kitchen and Bathroom -
Where there's moisture, there's mold. So be sure to constantly wipe surfaces like above the fridge and under the sink to get rid of any lingering moisture and potential mold breeding grounds. This rings especially true in the warmer months, as mold grows faster in warm weather. And wipe hard-to-reach surfaces for dust too."

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