Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Intel's Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) - help autonomous vehicles act more assertive

"Here's something you don't often hear: Driverless cars are too obsessed with safety. But Intel and its subsidiary Mobileye think automated vehicles (AVs) should relax and take more risks, so they've developed a program called Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) to make AVs act more like human drivers. We know what you're thinking: Humans are terrible drivers. But Intel says more assertive AVs will make for safer, freer-flowing traffic."
"... The system provides an AV with a playbook of preprogrammed rules that define safe and unsafe driving situations. Rather than playing it ultraconservative like most AVs, RSS allows the car to make more-assertive maneuvers, right up to the line that separates safe and unsafe. Much like a human driver, an RSS-equipped AV knows a crash is possible even if it merges onto the highway at the correct speed, but it won't dissolve into inaction based on the small chance that another car will misbehave."

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